Sunday, May 27, 2007

Sweet Goodbyes

After the Memorial Day holiday, I only have four days of school left. I think it has been slowly sinking into the kids' minds that I won't be their teacher anymore. Just Friday I was sitting at my desk filling out some paperwork, and the kids were working at their desks. Normally I'm out roaming around checking their progress, but I explained to them that I have some things I need to do for them so they are ready for second grade, so they should stay at their desks and work so I can stay at my desk and work. Well, we were wrapping up and one of my students comes behind my desk and asks me some questions about the end of the year and going to second grade, then proceeds to hug me for a long time. One of the boys in my room notices there is some hugging action he is missing out on so he adds himself to the hug. We are now in full group hug mode, and we're just sitting there hugging each other, and more students are starting to gather around looking hungry for a little hug action, so I stand up and walk over to the front of the room where we were supposed to be meeting. The kids who hadn't been a part of the group hug walked up and hugged me one by one as I walked to the front of the room. This is just one of many things that has happened; I think we've just been saying our goodbyes.

Here is another conversation about me not being their teacher next year:
"Miss Armijo, when we finish 1st grade and go to 2nd grade, will you move schools?"
"No honey, I'll be right here teaching first grade again."
"So, you'd better come see me all the time."

At this point another little boy pipes up, "Yeah, and we can hug her too!"

To which I replied, "Yes, you can hug me. Hug me as much as you want."

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Hello? still reads...reads...reads...this

I just thought I'd post a quick update! I moved into my new condo on February 16th. This is the first time I've lived alone as many of you know, and I'm still alive! I've even hosted a bunko party for school and a brunch for my Bible study!

Yes, life is good.

We only have 19 days of school left too! I feel so proud of what we've accomplished! This group feels more ready for second grade than the group I sent up last year. So yay!

What else? Hmmm, I feel like I'm leaving something out. What could it be? Oh yes! I will be up to Nebraska NEXT WEEK for Jenny's wedding! So, if you didn't know, now you do.

If anyone out there is still reading this ol' thing, I'd like to see you when I go up to the Midwest.

Friday, January 19, 2007

Home Sweet Home

Remember last year when I wondered if I'd crossed the threshold of adulthood when I bought my first car?

Well, surely now I have: You are reading the blog of the owner of a 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom condominium in Glendale, Arizona. I just signed the contract today, and I close on the 16th of February, which, incidentally, is my half birthday.

24 and a half on the day I assume ownership of a piece of real estate.

I think now would be a good time to thank God for His provision, protection and love. He has been so good to me by guiding me through this process and keeping it virtually painless. When you buy something as big as this, everyone involved looks up all your history. You feel very naked and can only hope you haven't made any huge financial mistakes. As it turns out, God in His great foresight provided me with parents that taught me about financial responsibility, so I'm able to take these, my first steps into the world with confidence.

Pictures to come as I begin the nesting process!

14 days, 14 minutes

The effects of a two week Christmas vacation are without measure. The class I left in December is composed of the same students, but they are now very different people. They have lost teeth, grown taller and their faces have changed somehow. When you're six everyday makes a difference. Not only that, but they are able to do things they weren't able to do when they left. It's like all the information they took in before break was on simmer on the back burner in their minds.

Two weeks can do a lot for a teacher too. I was able to get back to basics and remember what it is I want to accomplish with my class. I remembered how I want to treat them and how I should require them to treat each other. I remembered what we were striving for and how close we are getting. I came back with renewed energy and passion. Everyday I've enjoyed just being with them. I mean, don't get me wrong, there are still some pistols in there, but you know... There have been some great moments. One just happened yesterday.

I don't know how many of you have gotten a chance to sit and read with a child, but it is something awesome to behold. For a child to go from illiterate to literate is quite a transformation. It really opens their mind and increases their self awareness; reading unlocks other worlds to them. So, yesterday I was sitting with a little boy in my class who isn't very academic, and up until yesterday I thought of him as a bit hyperactive and disorganized, and yet there is still something very winning about him. We were sitting right next to each other, he had one half of the book on his lap and I had the other half on my lap. He sort of leaned against me and started reading. The book he chose was one he's been practicing at least half the year, not all the time, but he keeps going back to it. As he was reading I noticed he was using a lot of the strategies I've been teaching him. Going back and rereading sentences so they are fluent and don't sound robotic, guessing what words are based on context, etc. We struggled through it and his reading wasn't perfect, but I realized in that small moment in our day together we had bonded over reading a book. I realized how much he looked forward to reading with me, and how he really was listening to me when I was coaching him in how to read. Looking back, I should have realized that this time would matter a lot to him. He was one of the first to notice he could read a book that was full of beginning words, and he told his brother after school, "Gabriel, I read!"

It was like yesterday I discovered Freddy for the first time. A sweet boy who won't ask or beg or demand my attention, but will cherish what he gets. Who wants to learn, and is starting to harness his disorganized mind.

People, this is why I got into teaching. Kids are so real. There is no mask, there is no pretending. Everything about who they really are is right up front. God fasioned each one in my room. And sometimes, and I say this at the risk of sounding too saccharine, if I take a moment and I have my wits about me, I get to see God's handiwork.

This is what two weeks can do.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

I Heart John Krasinski

So, I've been watching Season 2 episodes of The Office, and I even bought all the new Season 3 episodes that have been aired (yay itunes!). And my latest celebrity crush starts now.